Aromatherapy – the theory and the practice

by Jennifer Kotowicz HHP, RAc – Facial acupuncture, rejuvenation and weight loss. We all know that the sense of smell evokes strong memories and emotions.  Sometimes this can be an overpowering experience. Olfaction is a complex experience.  My husband as a chef is particularly aware of this, and he really relies upon his sense of smell.  He smells and tastes the ingredients of his creations, from start to finish, as…

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Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil describe benefits of facial acupuncture – but is it a facelift?

by Jennifer Kotowicz HHP, RAc – Facial acupuncture, rejuvenation and weight loss. My specialty is facial rejuvenation at The Acupuncture Turning Point health clinic. I have always been reticent to do the stereotypical “before and after” pictures for many reasons  – but I am reconsidering it. I ask myself, is my reluctance because my treatments do not produce dramatic enough results!? I calm first impulse knowing that the huge marketing…

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9th and 10th habits for healthy skin and healthy you!

  These are the last two habits in the series of 10 holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowick. Habit 9: Balanced sun exposure and sunscreen. You want to get some but not too much not only for the creation of natural vitamin D, but because sun affects our mood and our hormones. UV light therapy is sometimes prescribed for certain skin problems(psoriasis, acne), in moderation, and…

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Drink enough water, limit alcohol, and exfoliate gently! 6th, 7th, and 8th habits for healthy skin and healthy YOU!

This is the next in the series of 10 holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowick. Drink enough water.  Ensure you are adequately hydrated. Do you know if you are thirsty or not, or are you just drinking water because your are supposed to sometimes? Can you drink too much water? Limit alcohol intake. Everything in moderation right? Alcohol is not only dehydrating but can hinder you…

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Exercise and Reduce Stress: 4th & 5th habits of 10 for Healthy skin and a healthy YOU.

“Exercise and Move” is the fourth blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz. We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per day…

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Healthy Skin – and a healthy YOU. Blog 3 of 10. Supplement wisely.

“Supplement wisely” is the third blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz. We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per day reflectively. …

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Healthy Skin — and a Healthy YOU. Blog 2 of 10: Eating a balanced diet

“Eat a balanced diet” is the second blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz. We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per…

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Healthy Skin — and a Healthy YOU. Ten habits, ten blogs.

10 part beauty blog by Jenn Kotowictz HHP, RAc; facial rejuvination acupuncturist. I am going to blog about 10 habits over then next couple of weeks or so that can help you toward healthier skin and a healthier you! There are a lot of authorities and magic 10 step diets out there for weight-loss, skin care, health or longevity.  This is not one of them. Few really help you examine…

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Beauty and Health – we don’t have to choose!

When we hold ourselves to a standard of beauty that is outside ourselves we can waste time effort and resources that I feel would be better used accepting and appreciating our individual uniqueness. I think what ever we do to feel attractive should be health enhancing. I think we do not need to choose between health and beauty, but that one begets the other, to reveal the best version of…

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Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture – more than seeking youth?

Jennifer Kotowicz, HHP, R.Ac. Before I talk about facial rejuvenation, I want to talk about what is in a face. Indeed, beauty resides in the face. Our face is how we are recognized instantly; no two humans have the exact same combinations of features, not even identical twins! Our emotions are expressed in our face. It is the first impression we give to the world. The face is a place where…

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