Healthy Skin — and a Healthy YOU. Blog 2 of 10: Eating a balanced diet

“Eat a balanced diet” is the second blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz.

We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per day reflectively.  It will help you monitor and better understand how your diet and lifestyle and other choices affect your health, your skin, your moods, etc.  Once you see patterns that make your health better or worse, we encourage you to experiment wisely and safely.

2. Blog 2/10: Eat a balanced diet.   Eating a variety of whole foods, and making sure you get the vegetables and fruits and grains that give you enough of the right nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants to support your body’s amazing metabolism. Detoxification systems of the liver and all your cells need your support here.   Food sensitivities can be expressed in many ways (and the skin), yet it is hard to track down what is happening without doing some monitoring of cause and effect yourself. .….

We suggest simplifying your diet and introducing certain suspect foods back in systematically, if you think you may have a food sensitivity.  You may discover relations of diet to energy, digestion, hormonal or skin problems. This is far more conclusive than blood tests (which can be an important part of your evaluation), since YOU are the perfect experimental model to test what is best for YOU! People who try to lose weight by radically by removing all fat/oils from their diet may not be doing their health a favour.  A major research focus over the last 20 years shows whole health and skin health comes back to eating adequate good fats –  polyunsaturated fatty acids from sources like fish oils and flax and hemp.  These help to keep skin soft and supple. Good fats are also a big part of hormones and keeping them in balance. The ratio of omega 3 to 6 of polyunsaturated fatty acids is important, and can influence the oxidation status of the body through prostaglandin metabolism, from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory state.  Blog 3 will be about supplementation…