Summer Solstice: Earth’s Turning Point

  By Gord Grant At the zenith of summer, where days stretch long, The Earth basks in sunlight, nature’s vibrant song. Fields are lush, and skies are clear, This is the solstice, the height of the year. But look deeper, past the sun’s golden glow, It’s Earth’s orbit, its path to show. Not the sun’s change, but our world’s stance, This moment, a dance in the cosmic expanse. This year,…

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Don’t Let Menopause Hold You Back: 5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help

The end of a woman’s reproductive years can, unfortunately for many, bring with it a number of disruptive physical and emotional symptoms. According to a national survey by the Menopause Foundation of Canada, nearly all women polled reported experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes. But the symptoms are varied and unique to each person.  Three out of 4 women experience menopausal symptoms that interfere with their daily lives, 1 in…

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Can Fasting Make Us Healthier?

Conventional wisdom tells us that skipping meals isn’t good for our bodies. Or is it? There actually is a specific, and scientifically proven, method of dieting (i.e. restricting calories) that can make us metabolically healthier (reverse type II diabetes), lose weight (slowly but surely and keep it off!), and maybe even live longer. This type of dieting is known as intermittent fasting; in other words, choosing to go without food…

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What do the mountains and our health have in common?

Mountains and health are both formed and maintained thorough small, even imperceptible, but steady, forces over time! Visiting the mountains always makes me marvel at the powers that act over an immense timespan to generate spectacular new landscapes. Like the rivers that carve deeper and deeper into the earth leaving behind vast canyons. And the former bottoms of ancient seas newly thrust into the sky as mountains. It seems impossible,…

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Acupuncture for Vitality – Protecting the “Three Treasures”

One of the distinguishing features of acupuncture is that it treats ailments from a whole-person perspective. At our clinic, we start by applying evidence-based theory and modern techniques such as electro-stimulation and intramuscular stimulation (IMS) to address whatever physical tightness, aches and pains a person may have. This is the medical acupuncture that we do, that physiotherapists do, and other medically trained therapists do. But the treatments would be lacking and miss…

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Multiple Sclerosis: Acupuncture Can Treat Symptoms and Reduce Relapses

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, most commonly diagnosed in younger adults between 20 – 49 years of age.  The disease attacks the protective covering of the nerves, ultimately affecting vision, memory, balance, and mobility. Depending on the how much inflammation and nerve damage occurs, nerve signals can travel with minor interruptions, or can be completely disrupted. This damage leads to a number…

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Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergies

As we transition from winter to spring, we welcome the warmer days, brighter skies, and renewed energy the new season brings. Unfortunately though, for some spring can also mean suffering the flare-ups of seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are the body’s way of responding to certain airborne irritants such snow molds, dust and pollen that are released in abundance at this time of year. It causes the body’s defence systems to…

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The Magic of Kinesiotape after Acupuncture!

Kinesiotaping after acupuncture

by Gord Grant Kinesiotape (K tape) or elastic therapeutic tape, really got popular about 10 years ago with professional athletes. The kinesiotaping course that I took at that time focused on rehabilitating injured muscles. But after using it at my clinic for a few months, I soon realized it could have much broader applications, like improving back posture! The magic of how K tape works so well in combination with…

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How Acupuncture Treats Many Common Digestion Problems

Acupuncture helps restore normal digestive system functions. Acupuncture can help alleviate many different digestive issues.  As a traditional holistic practice, acupuncture evolved through a “whole systems” perspective and works by supporting normal functioning.  This “wholistic” approach is an often overlooked and underestimated complement to medical treatment. The effects of acupuncture are subtle and cumulative, and when combined with exploring changes in diet and lifestyle, set the stage for natural healing…

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4 Ways Acupuncture Can Support Your Immune System

immune defense against viruses

Acupuncture can help to increase your capacity to fight off infections and more. This winter has been an especially intense one for colds and flus, and we are continuing to deal with COVID infections. Your immune system protects your body from infections through a complex system of general front-line defences, backed up by more sophisticated responses targeted to remember and take out specific invaders. When all is working well, we…

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