Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture – more than seeking youth?

Jennifer Kotowicz, HHP, R.Ac. Before I talk about facial rejuvenation, I want to talk about what is in a face. Indeed, beauty resides in the face. Our face is how we are recognized instantly; no two humans have the exact same combinations of features, not even identical twins! Our emotions are expressed in our face. It is the first impression we give to the world. The face is a place where…

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David Wolfe has popularized the use of foods which he calls “Superfoods”, for their collection of better-than-average potency of more than a few health properties. He lists and discusses the properties and advises on how to consume the top 10 Superfoods which he believes are: Goji berries Cacao or Raw chocolate Maca Bee products Spirulina AFA Blue-Green Algae Marine Phytoplankton Aloe Vera Hempseed Coconuts Borrow David Wolfe’s book from our…

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Crystal King, P.T.S., B.P.E candidate – Preventative and Rehabilitative Exercise Therapy

Crystal is a certified personal trainer through Canadian-Fitness-Professionals and is currently completing the final year of her Bachelor of Physical Education. Her education has enabled her to understand the science behind exercise how it effects the structure and functioning of the body. Crystal can help you better understand and respond to your body’s needs as you regain function after an injury. Normal physical activity is often delayed until a certain…

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The Brain Wash

Library Corner We have created a special space for anyone to peruse and  enjoy our eclectic book collection, which we also loan to our patients.  From  traditional and holistic aspects of healing and health, inspirational ideas,  various magazines, poetry, to scientific and medical references on  anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, physical assessment, bodywork, and  acupuncture. Here is one of many recent additions that Gord has read and added to the  library: The…

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The Honeydew Story

So I was a beekeeper.  Well, I still am, but now as a hobbyist. I really love bees and share this passion with my family, friends, and community.  But there was a time, in another life, that I was the owner of thousands of hives and pipelines of honey. It was honey that brought me to be an acupuncturist in an indirect sort of way. It was through my discovery…

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Fantastic Voyage – The Science Behind Radical Life Extension

We have created a special space for anyone to peruse and enjoy our  eclectic book collection, which we   also loan to our patients.  From  traditional and holistic aspects of   healing and health, inspirational  ideas, various magazines, poetry, to scientific and medical references  on anatomy, physiology,   pharmacology, physical assessment, bodywork, and  acupuncture. Here is one of many recent additions to the library by Gord Grant: Fantastic Voyage – The Science Behind…

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The Secret of Acupuncture (and caffeine addiction) – the fascinating world of adenosine

by Alina Tousseeva, M.D. (Russia), R.Ac. and Gord Grant, Ph.D., R.Ac. A medical research team from the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at Rochester, NY, published a very interesting article on the acupuncture mechanism in the highly acclaimed scientific journal NATURE (NATURE NEUROSCIENCE VOLUME 13 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2010). Here, Goldman’s team concludes, “Although acupuncture has been practiced for over 4,000 years, it has been difficult to establish its…

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Acupressure for Nausea -“P6” or Neiguan

by Gord Grant, Ph.D., R.Ac. There is perhaps no acupuncture point that has been studied as extensively as “Neiguan” (called P6 in the western world). This anti-nausea point is located at that little blue dot you see on the wrist in the picture, or about 2 finger widths up from the wrist crease, in between the two prominent ropy tendons there. Well over 6000 people have participated in randomized trials…

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Therapeutic or Relaxation? What’s the difference?

Mallery is a registered massage therapist at The Acupuncture Turning Point. She got her massage training at CDI college in Edmonton, and is a member of the National Health Practitioners of Canada. Mallery grew up on the farm, and she is still a country folk at heart. She moved into the big city three years ago, to follow her passion of helping people relax and to improve the quality of…

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Period Tracker – for avoiding or becoming pregnant; or just being more aware!

The Patient’s Corner is a place where we publish patients’ ideas and suggestions regarding health and wellness. We find that the private conversations of patient and practitioner are also reflective of a much larger anonymous conversation between many patients, since the wisdom and knowledge gained by one is often indirectly shared with another through the practitioner. This one came from a patient who was dealing with difficult PMS problems. She…

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