Voted Best Acupuncturist/Acupuncture Clinic in Edmonton

Thank you! Thank you to everyone for your support, and for being part of our growth over the 3 years we have been in business! We have been voted Best Acupuncturist/Acupuncture Clinic in Edmonton by Vue Weekly readers in their recent 2012 poll.  We are very proud of this accomplishment! Go here to see Vue’s BEST OF EDMONTON POLL for other healthcare businesses. We are in the process of expanding…

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Beauty and Health – we don’t have to choose!

When we hold ourselves to a standard of beauty that is outside ourselves we can waste time effort and resources that I feel would be better used accepting and appreciating our individual uniqueness. I think what ever we do to feel attractive should be health enhancing. I think we do not need to choose between health and beauty, but that one begets the other, to reveal the best version of…

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Auriculo (Ear) Therapy

Auriculotherapy involves the stimulation of the “auricle” of the external ear for the treatment of health conditions in other parts of the body. It applies the principles of acupuncture to specific points on the ear, and can be done with less cost without the need for full treatment tables or private sessions. It known as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture when the stimulation is achieved by the insertion of acupuncture…

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Study supports Acupuncture’s effectiveness for weight loss

Can acupuncture help you lose weight? Yes…but it’s not that simple. Weight management is a multi-dimensional issue. To have success all aspects of lifestyle must be considered. It is a challenge that is best addressed holistically (see our webpage which discusses the bigger picture). That being said there is some strong evidence supporting acupuncture’s effectiveness as a weight loss tool. A research team recently published their work in a journal…

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Community Acupuncture affords more regular treatments for those who need it!

by Gord Grant, Ph.D., R.Ac. In traditional Oriental-based acupuncture, many conditions in transition that require the body and mind to be at their best are treated at least once per week. Our community acupuncture sessions, where treatments occur in a group setting, offer an affordable way to experience acupuncture regularly and sustain the healing process ($10 initial assessment fee for first time patients, and $20-$40 sliding scale based on what…

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Heated Paraffin Wax Therapy

by Mallery Gulbraa, RMT Heated paraffin wax therapy is quite common and widely used to aid in the treatment of conditions such as: Arthritis and Bursitis Stiff Joints, Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow Fibrositis, Scar Tissue Inflammation Muscle Spasms, overworked/Fatigued Muscles, Fibromyalgia Psoriasis, Eczema One of the overlooked benefits of paraffin therapy is that it soothes and moisturizes the skin, opens pores, increases circulation, and promotes a sense of calm in the…

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The Desk Pain Blues

by Crystal King, P.T.S., B.P.E candidate   A recurring theme that I have been seeing with patients at the clinic is a combination of back, shoulder and neck tension resulting in pain and discomfort.  Through my work at the Acupuncture Turning Point I have come to find that a commonality between the complainants is that they tend to be office workers,whose job requires them to be relatively sedentary, most often…

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TMJ Disfunction and Massage

by Mallery Gulbraa, R.M.T. TMJ disfunction is a common disorder of the temporomandibular joints, muscle s of mastication, and other associated structures.  Massage and acupuncture can be very effective ways of helping you cope and deal with TMJ Disfunction.      Do you have TMJ Disfunction?  Pain is the most common TMJ symptom. The pain is often described as a transient, dull ache in the jaw joint and nearby areas, including…

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Could your orthotics and high tech runners be a source of your knee and back pain?

by Gord Grant I used to suffer chronic back and knee problems.  The doctors told me I wouldn’t be running any more. I didn’t want to believe that.  In fact, these problems were what first exposed me to acupuncture.  Acupuncture not only helped me back into running, but it was part of my journey in becoming more aware of what made my pain and performance better or worse.  Along they…

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Our team helps you remove obstacles in finding your shape

by Jennifer Kotowicz, H.H.P, R.Ac. Our team helps you remove obstacles in finding your shape: We help you to monitor your energy, feelings, and body’s responses in relation to your diet and exercise. This information is used to create treatment plans with you, which are tailored to your personal goals and health needs. Being in shape is a matter of opinion. It is not a number on a scale. Your…

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