Introducing Revive Wellness Inc


Loreen Wales

Revive Wellness is a local business in Edmonton who are affiliates we trust to send our clients for nutritional advice.  They are a team of professionals who provide customized nutrition & wellness coaching that empowers Canadians to live with energy, vitality and health.  Here is a guest blog by their leader, Loreen Wales.

What does wellness really mean to you? Freedom from disease and injury; improved quality of life; happiness; living a balanced life between your work and personal life…? And how exactly do you plan on achieving your state of wellness?

Having a goal is the first step in creating any plan, step two is figuring out how to achieve it. But where do you begin to figure out the most effective way to achieve your wellness goals?

We all know if we exercise regularly we will build muscle, decrease fat, improve our waistline and improve our health. We also know if we eat balanced meals, watch how many cocktails and desserts we consume we will maintain or improve our waistline and our health. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know right? So creating your wellness goals should be very simple. Just start doing everything I mentioned and you will be successful at improving your health and wellness.

While it seems so logical and easy, the reality is creating a successful wellness plan is a little more complicated because we are dealing with the need to change behaviors. Can you think of a behavior you have tried to change? Were you successful at changing the behavior the first time? Have you ever tried to change a behavior and failed repeatedly and finally just given up?

Many of our clients come to us frustrated at where they currently are with their wellness plan. They feel overwhelmed with all of the information they have encountered regarding what to eat, what not to eat, what supplements to take or not, what exercises to do, etc. Some have tried multiple programs, supplements, cleanses, etc all with short term results but none providing any long term success which is really what they are yearning for.

This is the essence of our passion at Revive Wellness. Our mission is to help people live healthier for longer. The word “health” means something different to each person we meet and it is each individual client we are dedicated to support. So while there are many similarities between what our clients struggle with, our strategies for each of our clients vary do to the uniqueness of everyone’s journey.

A goal is only achievable if all the obstacles along the path are overcome or avoided. In order to do that we need to understand what exactly is going on. Our approach is unique in that we assess medical history as it relates to nutrition, fitness and psychological wellness in order to create a comprehensive yet simple plan. We listen to our clients concerns, frustrations, dreams and work collaboratively with our clients to coach them through the challenges and stresses life brings their way to achieve their goals.

Our ultimate goal at Revive is to empower our clients with all the knowledge, skills and practical tools they need to manage their wellness journey throughout their life. It is our greatest honor…

Revive logoRevive Wellness is located at 3728 91 St. Edmonton, AB, T6E 5M3 and you can contact them by phoning 780-450-2027 or go to their website at