When there was only “organic” and “local”…

Not long ago, there was the age of being close to our food. We were farmers. We grew, prepared, and ate our traditional foods. The food we ate looked like food. It was “organic”, “local” and “healthful”; and it would have been absurd and irrelevant to describe food these ways then! Then there came the age of convenience and science and security for many, which created canned food and processed…

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Healthy Skin – and a healthy YOU. Blog 3 of 10. Supplement wisely.

“Supplement wisely” is the third blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz. We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at www.acupunctureturningpoint.ca/contact.html and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per day reflectively. …

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Healthy Skin — and a Healthy YOU. Blog 2 of 10: Eating a balanced diet

“Eat a balanced diet” is the second blog of a series of 10 on holistic tips on creating a healthier skin by Jennifer Kotowicz. We give people diet/lifestyles/symptom observation tracking sheets at our clinic (come and get one – no charge), alternatively, you can contact us at www.acupunctureturningpoint.ca/contact.html and we’ll email you one so you can print it and put it up on your fridge to fill in once per…

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David Wolfe has popularized the use of foods which he calls “Superfoods”, for their collection of better-than-average potency of more than a few health properties. He lists and discusses the properties and advises on how to consume the top 10 Superfoods which he believes are: Goji berries Cacao or Raw chocolate Maca Bee products Spirulina AFA Blue-Green Algae Marine Phytoplankton Aloe Vera Hempseed Coconuts Borrow David Wolfe’s book from our…

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The Brain Wash

Library Corner We have created a special space for anyone to peruse and  enjoy our eclectic book collection, which we also loan to our patients.  From  traditional and holistic aspects of healing and health, inspirational ideas,  various magazines, poetry, to scientific and medical references on  anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, physical assessment, bodywork, and  acupuncture. Here is one of many recent additions that Gord has read and added to the  library: The…

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The Honeydew Story

So I was a beekeeper.  Well, I still am, but now as a hobbyist. I really love bees and share this passion with my family, friends, and community.  But there was a time, in another life, that I was the owner of thousands of hives and pipelines of honey. It was honey that brought me to be an acupuncturist in an indirect sort of way. It was through my discovery…

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Fantastic Voyage – The Science Behind Radical Life Extension

We have created a special space for anyone to peruse and enjoy our  eclectic book collection, which we   also loan to our patients.  From  traditional and holistic aspects of   healing and health, inspirational  ideas, various magazines, poetry, to scientific and medical references  on anatomy, physiology,   pharmacology, physical assessment, bodywork, and  acupuncture. Here is one of many recent additions to the library by Gord Grant: Fantastic Voyage – The Science Behind…

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