How to beat the gym!

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by Carl Parnham RMT

As I grow older (yes, I am only 25, but I feel like I’m getting older), I feel the stresses of life starting to take over.  I’m working, and paying off my student loan, and my schedule is becoming filled with more resposiblities (my clients tell me it only gets worse when you take on more with family and as the career evolves).   I notice now that when I try to workout it can be more of a chore; it becomes just another scheduled item, another responsibility. It’s work! I don’t want to work after I just got off from work!

I get bored at the gym.  Sometimes even though I am sweating, I don’t even really feel like I’ve  accomplished anything. It makes it easy for me to avoid exercise all together. Lately, I have been trying a radical approach – having fun instead!

I hear of a lot of parents out there driving their kids around to soccer games, but don’t play themselves anymore.  I know life gets busy, but I decided to turn this trend around early in my life, and get involved in a fun sport.  I see there are adult league soccer teams, badminton, football, even ping pong around the city! Yes, some are more demanding than others, but they can be a gateway out of exploring what is right for you and simply start moving. Some other ideas include going out to a rock climbing wall (there are lots of them in town now), dancing with your significant other (you can go dancing without shooters and beer, I know its hard to believe, but there are even special clubs that promote developing specialized skills in this!).  And try swimming at one of our many rec centres – this is great for anyone with knee or hip problems, since it`s easy on the joints and water is very relaxing and therapeutic (expecially with a hot tub or sauna at the end).

There are many local fun activities we can do without costs: in fact you can save yourself some money by doing them!  We have the most amazing river valley of trails that is great for cycling and hiking. Try to ditch the car and walk or ride your bike to work for the few months that we can be sure that it’s not going to snow! And why not walk more to shops or go places locally, any time of year even though we live in a city of snow? And, don’t forget couples, there are many ways you can workout together while having fun!  ( Wink, wink).  You can consider it multitasking, for those of you with busy schedules – being with your loved one and building your core muscles.

Now that I’m having so much fun playing basketball on a team, Monday is my favorite day of the week — I wouldn’t give it up for anything! It wasn’t until I joined a sports group that I found out it’s not “workingout” anymore, it’s having fun.  Find more fun and passion in moving and beat the gym duldroms.