Summer Solstice: Earth’s Turning Point

  By Gord Grant At the zenith of summer, where days stretch long, The Earth basks in sunlight, nature’s vibrant song. Fields are lush, and skies are clear, This is the solstice, the height of the year. But look deeper, past the sun’s golden glow, It’s Earth’s orbit, its path to show. Not the sun’s change, but our world’s stance, This moment, a dance in the cosmic expanse. This year,…

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What do the mountains and our health have in common?

Mountains and health are both formed and maintained thorough small, even imperceptible, but steady, forces over time! Visiting the mountains always makes me marvel at the powers that act over an immense timespan to generate spectacular new landscapes. Like the rivers that carve deeper and deeper into the earth leaving behind vast canyons. And the former bottoms of ancient seas newly thrust into the sky as mountains. It seems impossible,…

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Make a turning point today!

Make your turning point today!  At ATP we work closely with you to discover the steps toward achieving your health goals.  Beyond your treatments here at our clinic, we support you in doing the things that help you be your best self.  We are committed to being your partner in health.

Health span – the meaning of health

“Health span” is a relatively new idea. Related to the concept of “life span”, health span is not as easy to define, not so concrete and final; less measurable. Health span can be simply defined as the length of a life that is “healthy” or that one is in “good health”. But what is that? Well it does NOT just mean the absence of disease or chronic dysfunction in your life!…

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The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku -“forest bathing”

CBC tapestry Sunday radio show this last week featured a story about Bruce Sweet, a retired United Church minister, who inadvertently became a certified “forest therapist”.  He later realized this was a formalized practice from Japan called “shinrin-yoku”, translated as “to take in the forest atmosphere”.  It was developed in the 1980s and has been linked to benefits such as reduced stress, improved mood, increased ability to focus, increased energy levels and…

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Turning Points -An ancient cycle, and a sweet year for beekeeping

Beekeeping is hot, heavy, and sticky… and yes, stingy. It is much more than the honey itself that keeps me coming back each year to the bees.  Actually, I don’t eat as much honey as you may expect a beekeeper would – I mostly savour it in small amounts as a fine sweet flavour that can complement the taste of other foods. I am drawn to the less tangible rewards…

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Turning Points: The speed of time

I am not sure exactly when I really started to notice and become interested in the passage of time, but I think it was as a child of around 9 or 10. I would lie awake at night, trying to go back to my earliest memory, and then letting my mind flow forward naturally, without effort, one memory connected to the next, until I came up to that current moment….

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