The Magic of Kinesiotape after Acupuncture!

Kinesiotaping after acupuncture

by Gord Grant Kinesiotape (K tape) or elastic therapeutic tape, really got popular about 10 years ago with professional athletes. The kinesiotaping course that I took at that time focused on rehabilitating injured muscles. But after using it at my clinic for a few months, I soon realized it could have much broader applications, like improving back posture! The magic of how K tape works so well in combination with…

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Low Back Pain: Why Our Edmonton Acupuncture Clinic Creates Lasting Improvement

Our Edmonton clinic uses acupuncture with an integrated approach to treat low back pain that creates lasting improvement and not just short-term relief.  Here’s why: The way we do acupuncture focuses first on resetting and improving the function of the core muscles and sinews. During the first treatment, our main work is to reduce the sensitivity to pain. This creates the opportunity for the back to start healing in the…

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Acupuncture for back pain : a turning point in “bad” posture

We use acupuncture to strategically your back pain in 3 steps: 1. first, we use acupuncture to relieve back pain by relaxing the painful/tight muscles (the main reason most come to see us!). 2. Second, we use acupuncture to activate the unresponsive, “sleepy” muscles not being engaged as you sit all day. For many you walk out of our clinic with a more responsive back, “reset” and “balanced” for functional…

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Fascia – the missing link to understand movement

The recent discovery and greater understanding of the micro-structure and possible functions of the interstitium has been getting a lot of medical media buzz recently.  It has even been called a “new” organ, the largest one in the body, representing the connective tissue such as the fascia around and between muscles, and indeed, everywhere else.  For me, this represents a very practical missing link in my education which is now…

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Are you in a fitness slump? 4 things to help

Many people who want to start getting more active feel overwhelmed by the idea because they do not feel they have enough time, do not know where to start, or have really high expectations for themselves. Unfortunately, this often results in their good intentions never materializing into any action or changed behaviour. I always encourage people to take it slow at first and to remember that something is better than…

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NeuroKinetic Therapy: MY Missing Link

The monthly Global TV interview on complementary healthcare for October was with Kendra Tootill.  Gord investigated NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) with Kendra Toothill.  This modality helps her find and retrain muscles that are not firing properly due to old injuries.  Read Kendra’s blog about here story of NKT. Enjoying a St. Paddy’s day celebratory beer with a friend was a pivotal moment that catapulted my career into the diversely complex world…

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Primal Posture

I have always known this to be true: “You don’t know where you’re going until you’ve seen where you’ve been.” Early humans had to move their bodies in many ways to hunt and gather food and water, find and make shelter, and to defend against or attack others to survive. We had plenty of exercise and physical challenges: running, jumping, climbing, throwing, bending, crouching, etc. as we made our way….

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