The Point of Acupuncture

Acupuncture Needle on Shoulder Muscle

The Point of Acupuncture  – one point at a time. This blog series will address our understanding of handful of the most special acupuncture points, one by one, both in a historical context of oriental philosophy, and also the evidence shown by science to date on why and how each point may be working therapeutically. We have discussed acupuncture mechanism before in general ways (see the facia connection), but this…

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Are you in a fitness slump? 4 things to help

Many people who want to start getting more active feel overwhelmed by the idea because they do not feel they have enough time, do not know where to start, or have really high expectations for themselves. Unfortunately, this often results in their good intentions never materializing into any action or changed behaviour. I always encourage people to take it slow at first and to remember that something is better than…

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Short, frequent massage lowers pre-hypertension

      A recent study shows that massage three times a week can actually lower elevated blood pressure in woman (men were not studied, but I am sure it would work for them too!). They studied woman with “pre-hypertension” (BP is lower than 140/90 and higher than 120/80.   This group referred to another study, (Vasan et al. 2001) with a 10-year follow-up of pre-hypertensive people and compared them…

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Heart Disease: what we eat impacts our risk

      Revive Wellness is located at 3728 91 St. Edmonton, AB, T6E 5M3 and you can contact them by phoning 780-450-2027 or go to their website at By Loreen Wales, nutritionist There is a common misconception that consuming too much fat increases our risk for cardiovascular events. However, when we look at the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to be the most successful diet for lowering…

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