Understanding Chronic Low Back Pain

by Gord Grant, Ph.D., R.Ac. Understanding Chronic Low Back Pain:  This article will help explain the nature of chronic back pain, and show how acupuncture can help get you back on track. Although  many cases of lower back pain are self-limiting and get better on their own, they often develop into a chronic problem.  These account for a  huge proportion of healthcare expenditures and reduced productivity and  quality of life. Sometimes …

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Gua Sha & Cupping: A modern interpretation of time-tested and effective practices

by Gord Grant, Ph.D. R.Ac. In my practice, I see many patients who experience considerable improvements in neck or back dysfunction when I combine Chinese bodywork techniques, such as sliding cupping and gua sha, together with acupuncture in the same session. These bodywork techniques initiate physiological healing changes that massage does not. I warn my patients that they may have some awful looking red marks after treatment, especially the first…

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