Focused on function not pain

By Gordon Grant and Alina Tousseeva, Medical labels are often misleading.  Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), carpel tunnel syndrome, patella-tracking syndrome, sacral iliac dysfunction – these specific conditions focus on the painful joint or muscle, and can miss the big picture…. and the solution! We often meet people with chronic injuries who come to our clinic and who have not been fully improving with exercises. They are frustrated, and are ready…

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Health counselling is more than patient-centred care

From the thousands of people who have walked through our doors at The Acupuncture Turning Point, we have rediscovered again and again the best way to serve each one.  We promote the unfolding discovery that happens when a person pays better attention to his or her own body rather in contrast to taking a prescriptive approach. We strive not to take on the role of a white coat professional who…

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Stewardship – a deeper meaning of health

It is true that the simple act of a vote we cast (or not) is quite insignificant when considered in its singularity. Ironically though, from a matter of democratic principle, nothing could be more important and ultimately potent, to both the citizen and society alike. It is a human thing, a principle to live by, that each of us can make a profound difference through seemingly trivial and singular acts…

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Shockwave Therapy – presented with Dr. Taha on Global TV Monday

Gord Grant brings a complementary therapy or practice on to Global TV at 7:40AM the last Monday of every month.  This month Gord introduces his followers to shockwave therapy, and Dr. Hassen Taha, a chiropractor who uses this technique. I had heard of shockwave therapy some years ago — a technique which uses externally applied, focused, high-intensity acoustic pulses — being used for breaking up kidney stones into small pieces. …

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Injury free – the secret of a Hiro

Both athletes and inactive people alike, come to me with similar accumulated injuries of life: it is as if we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t! But for me, meeting Hiroshige Watanabe has changed the game. He really has influenced my perspective on pain, injury and rehabilitation, both as a therapist and a runner dealing with injuries myself. Before Hiro, as he is known by his…

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Moxibustion is turning babies upside-down!

by Gord Grant PhD, RAc Moxibustion, the therapeutic burning of a special herb near or on a patient, is an ancient oriental practice that goes back thousands of years – it may even predate acupuncture!  It seems like a shamanistic and ritualistic practice at first, but science has turned this notion around, or rather, upside down – literally! Recent rigorous reviews of clinical research (Cochrane Reviews…see link below) have demonstrated…

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The Paleo diet revisited


The idea of a paleo diet is compelling and simple. Loren Cordain, founder of the paleo diet movement, has put forward an argument to eat more like hunter-gatherers did 15,000 years ago — before as a species we became societies of farmers. The theory claims that we have not had enough time to genetically adapt to our relatively “new” agricultural-based diets, and especially not to the processed food diets of…

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The key to pain-free acupuncture – precise electro-stimulation

Here at The Acupuncture Turning Point,  we learned acupuncture from a traditional school of Chinese medicine. As with most oriental acupuncture colleges, we were taught techniques that can create a deep achy sensation (or “de Qi” in Chinese). This is not always painful, but can be uncomfortable, especially if we come back every few minutes to twist and turn the needle as indicated! There are other traditional techniques that are…

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Holistic does not mean alternative

by Gord Grant, PhD, RAc The words we use to describe our healthcare systems, for good or bad, reveal our biases. First of all, our current use of “healthcare” to name our mainstream medical system has a primary focus on managing and preventing diseases.  So “healthcare” is clearly a euphemism, a term we reasonably use instead of “disease care” — understandably, we want to be positive and promote the target…

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Are You Sleep Deprived?


by Gord Grant PhD, RAc I recently watched an interesting TED talk presented by circadian neuroscientist Russell Foster entitled “Why do we sleep?”. Foster describes how in past eras, sleep was welcomed and understood as a necessary cycle in our lives. In recent times though, since industrialization, the fact that we spend about 1/3 of our lives asleep has been framed as a problem – sleep has become a foe!…

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